Monday, February 23, 2009

made in france? tak...indon ke?...

Dear blog,
I just found out something...a couple weeks ago, i was at france and i bought this nice blazer for 20 euros (zara ok)....but only recently i noticed that the tag on that blazer did not read made in france...instead, there it was..written in black ink...made in INDONESIA!!!...apakah?...pergi jauh2 nk beli barang indon?...dkt malaysia berlambak kot...oh tidak!!... tetap zara...dari france tetap dari france....biarla made dkt mana pun asalkan org x tahu (skrg korang da tau la....oh crap..)....mcm klu ade sorang tu, parents dier malay tapi dier dilahirkan dkt somalia....pas2 tinggal dkt malaysia...dier tetap malaysian kan?..kan?..kan?..xpela...nnti aku liquidkan r made in indonesia tu.....tulis made in france besar2 guner marker merah!!...haha....

news flash!! : Cairo: Last sunday, there was an explosion at gamek hussein, cairo. The explosion was caused by a hand grenade. there were a few casualties and some are injured. For further info on this, read kucai's or tasha's blog. They dedicated one whole entry for this. (aku malas nk tulis panjang2 pasal ni sbb diorang da tulis da...jap2, lbh baek baca aljazeera trus). nways, mansoura is fine biggie...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Ok, to tell you the truth..aku xde idea nk 2lis apa dlm entry nih...just felt like posting it...actually, its cause of im bored..haha....but anyways, i found this poem and i thought is was beautiful....


by Genesis (Final Fantasy VII : Crisis Core)

when the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end
the goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
she guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting.

Act I
Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take it to the sky
Ripples form on the water’s surface
The wandering soul knows no rest.

Act II
There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds
Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh.

MY friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a sombre morrow
No matter where the winds may blow
my friend, your desire
is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
nothing shall forestall my return.

Act IV
My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honour remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world’s end
The wind sails over the water’s surface
Quietly, but surely.

Act V
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
nothing shall forestall my return
to become the dew that quenches the land
to spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifices

updates on myself: da start kelas and the new group....buhsan...suma senyap je ari2...mungkin sbb suma segan-silu lg kot...xpe2 i'll give it another chance..(padahal aku senyap gak ari2...haha)....well, hope it'll get better..

Monday, February 16, 2009

Start of something new~

Dear blog,
you know what day is tomorrow?...guess...salah, bukan brand guess...jawapan nyer...esok adalah hari permulaan sem2....dats rite, holidays are over and time to study....da berabuk da buku2 aku dkt atas rak tu....(ceh, mcm ada rak je, buku pun maseh on the way dari malaysia nk berabuk cmne).....

actually, i just found out that the new semester is starting tomorrow this morning..biasala, mesir...tak effisyen sgt...mula2 kata 15th, pas2 kata extend cuti sampai 22nd...tibe2 kata esok lak...mmg ske kasi harapan palsu r.....nways, pg tadi cek group baru, i'm in group 2 and tatau apsal still sama group dgn safwan (kayh, boleh la bwat skrip dgn dier mlm2..haha)...tapi org laen x knal sapa...mayb best, mayb hampeh bangat...there is only one way to find out...wish me luck...

muka semangat nak stadi...haha

KeSeNgAlAnDuNiAkU : da abes cuti la...aku rindu r cuti lmbt lg...huhu...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Aku pg melihat result tapi sangat hampa...

Dear blog,
berkaitan dgn tajuk diatas, ari ni seperti yg diura-urakan....kluar result. tidak tahu mengapa, ader org kata 11 kluar rsult dan ade rumours kata kul 12 dan 12.30....jd kami pergi ke U kul klu pg awal lg hampa r...tau x...aku hampa bkn sbb result sbb XDE RESULT LANGSUNG!! dekat notis markah suma tu nama aku dan beberapa laen di liquid paper.  org laen suma ok je dpt result namun semua bdak mara dan beberapa bdak laen x dpt

"Bagaimana itu?" ini mungkin soalan yg timbul dlm lubuk jiwa pembaca sekalian. bak kata en. arab yg merupakan pegawai U "Result kamu semua ditahan sebab tak bayar yuran"...oh mengapa begini??....

aku pun tertanya-tanya, mengapa blum bayar?...bukankah MARA patut da bayarkan...aku cek wallet aku, klu nk bayar duit yuran ni x cukup ni....klu nk rasuah en. arab tu boleh eh...x boleh sbb aku pnah pakai button saya anti-rasuah dulu....rupanya, file ktorang tersekat dkt gov. office mana duit tu x sampai U, kesudahannya?...x tau lg...sbb x sudah lg...nnti tgk la bler dpt result tu...kene tunggu lg...haihhz...

p/s: tapi kami berusaha mencari kesan ink hitam yg tidak kene liquid paper utk speculate gred ktorang....haha...dpt la agak tp xknfm lg...ntah2 titik hitam tu ksan fotostat je...haha

Quote of the moment : Good things come to those who wait

haihhzz...lg satu tag...kali ni kene di facebook

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish)

1. Sanggup membayar lbh utk potong rambut dkt paris sbb takut nk potong rambut dkt mesir...

2. habit utk menjawab ya kpd ape2 yg ditanya pabila malas bfikir...

3. semasa kecil pernah bercita2 itk menjadi posman tapi x jadi sbb x jumpa scholarship ke luar negara untuk course mengepos...

4. pernah dan masih bercita2 untuk menulis novel walaupun sudah hampir stgh tahun tanpa progress

5. semasa kecil pernah ditipu oleh abang kesayangan yang mainan hidup seperti dalam toy story

6. pernah memenangi tempat ke-3 dalam pertandingan memasak ketika f3 walaupun siap memasak 2 jam lmbt....sapa kata aku x reti masak?..haha

7. semasa f2 rajin tolong ibu kesayangan bake roti dan cake dan mcm2 pada waktu ptg....

8. memasuki dewan peperiksaan stgh jam lambat ketika subjek sains masa pmr dulu sbb syok sgt makan dkt 1901 masa tu...jangan gtau mama...:)

9. meminati nombor 14 sbb masa kecil teruja membaca pasal mitsui dlm slamdunk

10. masa kecil pnah percaya yang ombak di laut itu disebabkan oleh kipas besar...sbb tu mama tak bagi mandi jauh2...kang terlanggar kipas tu blh mati...

11. baru2 ini kurang berminat bermaen game...mungkin sbb bnyk sgt maen game lpas spm atau pun sebb x de game best skrg...

12 slps spm pernah bercita2 utk menjadi tough tetapi hangat2 tahi ayam...

13. akhirnya dpat merasai snow ketika di paris ari2...(padahal dkt rumah kakak kesayangan lg bnyk snow klu pg situ ari2 blh bwat snowman..hehe)

14. suka perasan diri sendiri serupa dgn watak di siri tv...

15. pernah menjadi ahli kpd 4 persatuan beruniform yg laen....x pernah setia

16. sering teringin nak membeli barangan baru tp slalu kedekut nk kluarkan duit...

17. suka bermonolog...aku x gler kayh...

18. walaupun aku hasil lompatan pts tapi slalu berlakon seperti sama umur dgn suma org...klu x blh mengelak lg je bgtau

19. sangat senang irritated dgn benda tapi susah nk marah dekat orang.....

20. sukakan perkara rutin dan krg suka klu ader benda kacau rutin...

21. aku pernah tgk cerita gak

22. sayangi kluargaku...kayh, ni da xde idea da ni....

23. bercita2 nk blaja french tahun dpan....skrg blh ckp parle-vous anglais (do you know how to speak english) je.

24. menyokong pasukan liverpool dan tidak suka menchester united

25. pernah patah clavicle (shoulder bone) dan metacarpal (ibu jari) pada tahun yang sama tapi dua insiden yg laen

jgn risau, aku da tag org melaui facebook....

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Rule #1-people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

Rule #2-tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. Who tagged you?
= izdiyani anak musawir.

2. Do you like tags?
= sronok pabila bace....kurang sronok pabila terkena....

3. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
= mempunyai duit yg bnyk supaya blh blik paris dan beli suma bnde yg aku teringin tp x ckup duit ari2

4. What is your current mood?
= lapar tu mood ke?

5. What will you do if your crush says he/she adores you too?
=eh eh...btl ke?..serius?...x tipu kan?..jap2...btul ke nih?...jgn main2...weyh2...

6. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?
= err...tak...sbb bestfriend aku laki n im not gay.....ana alathul meshi?

7. Which will you prefer, loving someone or being loved by someone?
= being loved la...coz doesn't mean you have to love that person back...haha

8. What is your favourite food?
= makanan yg org kasi dkt sapa baek ati tu sila masak utk umah 4...haha

9. If the person you dislike is right in front of you, what will you do?
= borak dgn dier sambil senyum...da jauh dari dier baru kutuk2 dier kaw2 bersama rakan2...

10. What do you pray each day for your loved one?
= be in good health, safe, bla bla bla..the usual stuff

11. what would you do if a stranger comes to you and say i love you?
=ha?...sapa kau?

12. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
= graduated and back in malaysia i hope

13. What are the reason that could make you so tensed up?
= biler hamada masuk umah pagi2 sblm aku bgn dan bebel

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
=bacela blog dier dan kenalinyer.

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
= married but poor. sbb duit blh minx org seperti kluarga dan rakan2....

16. Who would you like to see the moment you wake up?
= sesiapa yang bukan klu puteri raja mana2 ok gak...haha

17. What's the character must have in your partner?
= tak sensitif sgt

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you like to pick?
= siapa yg lg mudah utk dapat....

19. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done?
=erm...i'll get back to you on that one...cuba try bwat that horrible thing dulu n lets see if i forgive n forget

20. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
= kenapa soalan ni annoying sangat ni.

21. chocolate or vanilla?
= vanilla. konfem danial or safwan akan order chocolate so minx diorang ckit r...

22. Who are the 5 person that you wuld like to tag?
= kucai, nong, natasha, imran, fyra

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

rambutku buruk!!!

Ok...first of all...i just want to tell you that i got a haircut...jangan gelak tau....aku tau buruk....rambut dulu lg potong je la...kalau x kene potong dkt egypt...knfm jadi lagi buruk...
eh eh..x...bukan rambut lbh krg cmni la..(sori tgh prasan)
ni la dier....dkt kdai potong rambut....weyh...jangan gelak r...

kk..back to the story
dear blog, 
pg td x sempat nk update blog coz bangun this is yesterday's pix..

went on a bike about tours...kanan tu tour guide, nama dier r....dier bawak dkt bnyk "secrets of paris"
nmpk x benda biru tu dkt atas tu...nama dier space invader...dkt paris ader over 800 bnde nih...ktorang jumpa dlm 8 kot....nxt time korang pg sini try cari bnde nih...christian kata negara laen ader gak
ni dkt la defense...serius kene pg sini....mmg laen gler dgn paris yg laen....mcm dkt dunia laen...mcm dkt KL...suma bangunan moden n tinggi
ktorang naek cruise along french canal...bateri camera habis...terpaksa gune phone..
at louvre museum....walaupun x sempat masuk coz tuesday dier tutup....ader gambar sudeyh....
at the top floor of montparnasse...tinggi gler...209m....eiffel tetap lg tinggi dgn 326m.....

sorila....gmbr x bnyk arini..sbb bateri laptop nk abis da n internet sini x slaju paris....oh back in egypt....tgh 2ka mental state utk stadi more fun & puas ati r....da complete da le tour de paris.....:D

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ditangkap basah

eh eh tak....bukan ditangkap basah begitu....cuma kitorang ditangkap oleh hujan (caught by the rain) and basah kuyup...capische?....kk..sambung cite...
Dear blog,
Smlm adalah masa utk ke besi buruk kebanggaan france...ya'ni...tuerkh ikhfel (tour eiffel)...walaupun hujan jatuh merintis membasahi bumi ferans, namun kami tetap tabah hati untuk pergi ke monumen2 yang indah di tanah ini...haha, terskema lak....

Dari jauh....langit sudah gelap
2nd floor floor dikelilingi kabus so rugi jikalau naek...
bersama eiffel sculpture of eiffel tower dkt atas eiffel tower...sebok r org blakang tuh...
gambar eiffel dari tgah2...lawa kan?..(padahal ini adalah gambar of a gambar je)
masa ni da hujan...sejuk gler....
tengok2!!....da basah kuyup da

stgh ari tau x dkt eiffel tuh...suma pasal hujan...klu demam x payah pg kelas la ye nnti..haha...kk...on with the story...
Opera house...buka novel english la tmpt ia suma berlaku
shopping tyme...beli tshirt je..mahal gler kot dlm ak kempunan kasut puma satu tu lawa gler....85 euro dowh
ini pula pantheon...kali ni buka buku sejarah f4 utk tau sejarah dier
musuem d'orsay...da tutup do amik gmbr dkt luar je

Dunia Disney

Dear blog,
smlm kan.....kan....smlm....nk tau x?....kan..kan...kan....aku pg dineyland...:)....puas ati gak r....kk...aku kasi gmbr...usha2 lah...

Ni tour dkt movie set...itu air btul dan kami berdekatan saja
hollywood tower...dlm tu ader ride serupa dgn solero shots genting...mesti la aku naek~
dpan pagar disney studios...bkn sesat ya...pgang peta utk poyo saja
disneyland at nite~...lawa gler
knfm bil letrik mahal
muka selepas berebut dgn bdk2 utk bergambar dgn donald n daisy
da dpt nk amek gmbr bnyk2..da la minx otograf diorang gner kertas kosong yg jumpa dlm beg aina...haha
dlm souvenir shop...xde duit nk beli so bergambar je...haha
ni sbnarnya baru nk pg.....dkt luar penuh dgn salji~

aku rasa smlm, stgh ari kot duduk dlm line je....line dier pnjg gler kot...skali beratur mau stgh jam minimum...MINimum....ader satu tu sampai sejam stgh kot.....nsb baek puas ati gler....

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Dear blog,
I need to hurry coz we're late for our trip to disneyland~....just wanna tell u that yesterday, it SNOWED!!!...haha...dats rite.....dats all...tata for now

nampak x snow?...haha

Friday, February 6, 2009

Au Revoir Mansoura,, Bonjour Paris~

Dear blog,
guess where i am??...hehe....FRANSI~.....yeay~.....been here a couple o' days oledi....mula2 pg tours but now in paris...nnti nk pg Eiffel~....EIFFEL I'M IN LOVE~...ceceh....nways....lets let the pictures to tell the story....

stesen ketapi...xde keje...:)
dkt dpan moulin rouge...
kota paris~
sacre cur..

on the way naek tangga ke sacre cur

da sampai ke sacre cur...nampak x kota pris di blakang?...nampak?..nampak?..
lawa kan?...dkt sacre cur
dkt tren station...baru sampai dkt paris
baru nk pegi...bnyk kan beg?..nk jimat punyer pasal...bawak makanan bnyk...hehe

sorry x susun gambar....leceh bangat...nways...esok aku upload lagi yah~....

Monday, February 2, 2009

A song for mama...

This post i want to dedicate to my mother. it's her birthday....03.02.09.....

"A Song for Mama"
by: Boys II Men

You taught me everything
And everything you've given me
I always keep it inside
Youre the driving force in my life, yeah
There isnt anything
Or anyone I can be
And it just wouldnt feel right
If I didnt have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
Youll always be, you always will be the girl
In my life for all times

Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama youre the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin you is like food to my soul

Youre always down for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
Youll always be
You will always be the girl in my life

Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin you is like food to my soul

Never gonna go a day without you
Fill's me up just thinking about you
I'll never go a day
Without my mama

Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama youre the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin you is like food to my soul

Selamat hari jadi ma...
happy birthday mother...
Sanah hilwah ya mama...
joyeux anniversaire à la mère..

Quote of the moment : "Age is just a number"