Sunday, September 27, 2009

kenapa biler dah masuk U jarang dapat duit raya...bukankah kiter lebih memerlukan?

ketika raya tahun ini, telah ku sedari yang duit raya adalah satu KONSPIRASI yang dicipta oleh ibu bapa untuk membuat anak2 kecil ingin pergi rumah orang untuk beraya....

haha...tapi still I enjoyed this raya...better compared to last years....last year, I celebrated raya in egpyt...woke up at 6...went to rumah selangor for the raya prayers and some jamuan...and then we got back to our rooms before noon to spend the rest of the day playing counter-strike and call of duty....didn't feel like raya at all...

and the best thing about raya is that I have an excuse to whip out my camera and take some pix...:)

family pix

ok..aku tau..klu aku rapat gak da smart da gmbr nih...aku je tibe2 jauh

Quote of the moment : The problem with people is that they don't look at the big picture
eventually, we're gonna die, our species will og extinct
the sun will explode and the world will collapse
existence isn't only temporary, it's pointless!!
we're all doomed, and worse, nothing matters....let's watch TV~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sekarang semua kad raya digital je...posmen boleh rilek

sorry lambat ckit nak ucap slamat raya....sebab nak guner gambar pakai baju raya...baru dapat feeling raya ckit...haha...

Pergi KLCC beli sampin,
on the way, tersadung batu,
Nak ucap sorry zahir batin,
and happy raya to you

Eid Mubarak
by: 786

we've been waiting all year for this night
with the hope that on this day we all unite
all the Muslims, are standing side by side
waiting for our Eid to arrive
and Allah will show
coz everybody knows, its time for Eid
all the kids will see, the gifts from you and me
it's the best time of the year, for the family

it's a wonderful feeling
with the love in the room from the floor to the ceiling
its that time of year
Eid time is here
with the blessings from above
Allah sends his love
and everything's okay
Eid Mubarak
its our holiday
Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak
it's a wonderful day
Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak
it's a blessed day

the Adhan is calling, its time for Eid Salah
and everybody's happy for three hugs
celebrating, this special time we share
to you "Kul aam wa antum bikhair"
while we celebrate and everybody says, Eid Mubarak
and all the world will see, the smiles from you and me
it's the best time of the year for community

it's a wonderful feeling
with the love in the room from the floor to the ceiling
its that time of year
Eid time is here
with the blessings from above
Allah sends his love
and everything's okay
Eid Mubarak
its our holiday
Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak
it's a wonderful day
Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak
it's a blessed day

no matter what your look or race
it's a time to celebrate
so leave your worries aside
open up your eyes
see the Muslims by your side
feel God's light

Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak
it's a wonderful day
Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak
it's a blessed day

it's a wonderful feeling
with the love in the room from the floor to the ceiling
its that time of year
Eid time is here
with the blessings from above
Allah sends his love
and everything's okay
Eid Mubarak
its our holiday
Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak
it's a wonderful day
Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak
it's a blessed day

Monday, September 14, 2009

alangkah riuhnyer rumah pabila ada dua bdak kecil

On September 13th, my sister and her family landed at KLIA. They're coming home from dublin for the Raya holidays...

Dhia Dania

Naira Putri

dan mereka tak puasa..:)

lpas ni diorang ni la yg akan jadi subjek bergambar aku..haha...

p/s: just watched geng the movie a few days back.. plot can do better but the jokes ada yg mmg klakar...a must-see movie jugak...a huge leap for malaysian animated movies

p/p/s: in a previous entry someone commented yg movie gamer best...i'm sorry, I didn't like the movie....the first half hour was good but after that booo~

Saturday, September 5, 2009

something to think about....

Just thinking out loud but bukankah in the Chinese Calender, the hungry ghost festival is around the corner (ke da lpas...x sure)...and bukankah during ramadhan jin, hantu suma dirantai??
wow...the facts aren't cohesive....

macam mana hungry ghost festival nak di sambut kalau suma hantu dirantai?...hmm... something to think about....

This picture was inspired by this picture.
I'm not sure why my hair is like that though