ish...da lama x update blog ini....kk...sempena gam'ah sudah mintak gmbr paspot... I want to habaq to you the "good" service here...let's ook at exhibit a...
exhibit a
seem any different to malaysian paspot?...anyone spot the difference?...yes!! correcta!!...
1. the gerigi lining of the seems the mesir-ian can't stand looking at a plain square picture...they HAD to cut some designs into it....
2. notice in this face is jerawats or anything...lembut sperti kulit bayi... in reaiti, tak se-clean ni...these mesir-ians photoshopped my gambar paspot...haha... they even erased the designs on my sweater...
what i tell you?...good service right?...haha....
p/s: i bought my ticket back to malaysia!!...yah!!.. pushing (bertolak) at 30th june & arriving on 31st jap june ader 30 hari je kn?...silap2...arriving on 1st of july at 0940 hours...:D
p/p/s: When i was buying the tickets last week. i saw the guy selling the tickets using this monitor...notice the made in seremban on the bottom right corner...bkn made in malaysia tau...spesifik dkt seremban...hee
p/p/p/s: oh...what is the relation of the title to this entry?...lupa nk criter... ari2 dkt kedai runcit ader arab ajar aku ckp ho are you in philipinish... komastika (or something like dat)...