A few days back, I just went to Sunway Pyramid...and I wondered why Pyramids in Giza is more famous than Sunway Pyramid..let's compare:
1. Air-conditioned
2. ader wayang, ice skating & etc.
3. hieroglyphs lagi lawa dan baru
4. ada parking lot, bler parking kosong berlampu hijau
5. masuk free
Panas giler .1
cuma ader pasir .2
hieroglyphs dier mcm org zaman dulu yg bwat..suda buruk dan berdebu .3
blh msk guner kuda, unta atau jln kaki je .4
masuk kene bayar .5
Sunway pyramid
tgk, lawa je..mata dier ada lampu lg
Pyramids of Giza
tgk....muka sphinx pun x nmpk clear...
P/s/p : kpd ancient egyptians and pharoahs yg kecik hati membaca post ni...maaf yer...nnti aku suruh GMN bina pyramid baru dkt egypt....HAHA
saya sokong!hahaha
mie,post ar gambar umah baru, ak nak tengok nieh!teruja!teruja!
slr dh beli blum?kalo blum nnti roger arh
haha..aku xde r umah baru...klu amek gmbr skrg pun nmpk hampa...x cat lg...brg pun bersepah..sbb baba tumpang brg umah bwh dkt umah kter jap...nk cat....xpe r..klu xde gmbr lg saspen..mwahaha
slr blum lg r..ko nk folo aku x bwat survey..dkt mana?...ha..itu yg kiter x tau
sy xleh nk bwt comparison sbb sunway pyramid dah sampai, pyramids of giza belum..huhuh
wonder mcm mana pyramid betul2 diorg leh wat zmn dulu2?
ak dtg utk mengomel=merungut. bkn buat muka comel..sbb da mmg comel pon. haha..
GMN cgt2 berkuasa d egypt tu...contact encik fairuz ngok ngek tu ye ilmie..make sure die bina pyramid yg lg power utk BEKAS2 pelajar d bwhnya..hekhehe
Pyramid Giza surely cant be compared to any other pyramids in the world.tambah-tambah Sunway Pyramid! LOL! its one from the seven wonders!
btw, if you're looking for SLR you can check at Pertama Complex. Tapi I can't guarantee anything since my friend bought D60 for only 1.6k while mine is 2k. Dapat set kit yang sama. Beza byk tuh harga.
ya ya ya.sunway best.pyramid bdebu.haha. :P
btol gk tu..
x terpk lak nk wt comparison gini..
hahaha sian dia
hehe.sy setuju
sphinx yg kat egypt tu da huduh!!
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